Monday, April 20, 2009

DODO Palgantong Theatrical Powder

I personally love this powder.. Looks very natural and transparent. You seems like not wearing anything but you will have a radiant look.. :-)

"Over 5,000,000 powders were sold in Japan, as No.1 loose powder in Japan.Theatrical powder from Korea is made up of Ceramin ingredient from the UK. Thin and comfortable, and reflects more light from your skin to even the tone with natural appearance. Also known as 'Star Powder' as it brightens up your skin.

* Slimming Effect: Make your face look slimmer with a three-dimension effect caused by the light reflection.

* Long Lasting Effect: Strong resistance to water or sweat. Do not make strain easily. Excellent long lasting functional powder.

* Blooming Effect: The scattering effect of light scattering power creates bright and splendid skin.

* Super Hydrate Effect: Maintain the moisture all day long preventing moisture evaporation. Create silky skin.Color: Original beige"


"PALGANTONG剧场版--为韩国专业化妆品牌,1910年由英国著名化妆品公司研发于舞台化妆专用,1999年由dodo company重新调制,并考量亚州的气候与东方人肤色肤质加以修改,正式使命名为Palgantong 剧场版于韩国发表上市。其碎粉之晶莹剔透效果所塑造的自然立体粧容令其于短期内便大获专业化妆师好评,旋速爱韩国及鄰近日本两地艺能界追捧,屡创最佳商品和年度热门产品评监大赏殊荣,更因此被命名为(星之碎粉--Star Powder)


* 自然亮泽-高效控油成份

* 持入紧贴-长效防汗配方

* 保湿透气-加强保湿成份

色号: 自然肤色不带闪"

Source: Google


  1. in your face and facebook man

  2. lol...i saw ure blog, dunno wanna comment wat also...muahahaha...but if im a girl, will be so attracted 2 it...
